So far, we have covered ways to protect your blog, maintain a blog on a budget, select the right social media platforms, share tips to becoming a blogger, and guest blogging tips. However, one topic we haven’t discussed is how to improve your blog as a whole. Let’s be honest even some of your most beloved blogs have benefitted for being getting an update. Not quite sure about how to get started? I have a few tips that I have found beneficial. Keep reading to find out and be sure to have a notebook handy.
Edit Your Old Posts

Image Credit: Pixabay
If you are anything like me then you have probably transferred your blog from a different website or blog provider. Some of your older posts might need a little TLC. Periodically, I check out older blog posts to see if I missed any grammatical errors. Another thing is to make sure that any hyperlinks are still working properly.
Switch Up or Update Your Theme
Is your current blog theme feeling a little dated or boring? This is the perfect time to switch up your theme. Depending on your provider there are free or premium themes available. You can also hire a web designer if that fits your budget.
Check Your Security

Image Credit: Pixabay
Unfortunately, as careful as we try to be there are still hackers out there. Don’t fret, there are still ways to secure your website & blog. Previously in the series, we briefly touched on the ways to protect your brand. Another way to make sure your website is secure by checking your SSL certificate (Secure Sockets Layer). You can either make sure it is updated on your web provider or purchase it yourself (self-hosted). It is pretty affordable. Lastly, you can install spam blockers (free or premium version) as well.
Back-Up Your Blog or Website

Image Credit: Pixabay
The last tip is all about backing up your website or blog. Backing up your blog or website is very important. Not only does it make the process of transferring your website easier, but it just serves as protection just in case. Websites can be unpredictable at times and it never hurts to be prepared.
These are just a few ways you can make sure your website or blog is the best version possible.
Does your website or blog need some TLC? Did you find these tips helpful? Let us know in the comments below. Stay tuned for the next topic in the Blogger Life Series IV. Part II of Blogger Life Series IV debuts in 2021.
All opinions expressed on the blog appear courtesy of Tamarah Brown for My Own Sense of Fashion © unless otherwise stated (i.e. interviews). No use or reproduction may occur without the written consent of the author. This blog uses affiliate links that generate a small commission from purchases.
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