Image Credit: Gabriel Goldman
Earlier today it was officially that Entertainer & Actress Jennifer Lopez is the recipient of the 2019 Fashion Icon award at this year’s CFDA Fashion Awards. As reported by CFDA, The CFDA Board of Directors is giving Lopez this award for her longstanding and global impact on fashion.
“Jennifer Lopez uses clothes as a way to express confidence and power,” CFDA Chairwoman Diane von Furstenberg said. “Both designers and fans look forward to her fashion statements.”
Lopez has many noteworthy fashion moments over her career including the unforgettable 2000 Grammy’s Versace Tropical Leaf Silk Chiffon Dress.
Lopez joins the list of previous Fashion Icon recipients including Johnny Deep (2012), Rihanna (2014), Pharrell Williams (2015), Beyoncé (2016), Franca Sozzani (2017) & Naomi Campbell (2018).
The 2019 CFDA Fashion Awards will take on June 3rd at the Brooklyn Museum.
Stay tuned to our continued CFDA Fashion Awards coverage as we get closer to the ceremony.
What do you think about this announcement? What is your favorite Jennifer Lopez fashion movement?
Let us know in the comments below.
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