Owner & Fashion Blogger Tamarah Brown
Image Credit: Nicole Brown for My Own Sense of Fashion
Back in April, My Own Sense of Fashion celebrated our 6th Bloggaversary. Last year, I shared the story of how My Own Sense of Fashion was started. This year I want to focus on six of the biggest lessons I have learned on my blogging journey and more. Keep reading to find out what they are.
It Is Okay to Take Breaks from Your Blog
I will be honest sometimes when it to comes to the blog I tend to have a bit of “tunnel vision”. I was reminded by those who are close to me that my blog and audience will be okay if I need to take a small break from time to time. Plus, I really try to avoid any potential burnout.
You Have to Be Patient to see Your Progress
In my blogging journey, there have been several times where I had to exercise patience. Every day is not going to be a “good day” and that is normal. I still struggle with this at times, but I handle it the best way I can. Also, another thing I have learned is to appreciate the progress I have made. While I am still pushing to future goals and am grateful for what I have accomplished so far.

Owner & Fashion Blogger Tamarah Brown in K. Jordan Nautical Striped Pleated Dress in Navy/White
Image Credit: Nicole Brown for My Own Sense of Fashion

Image Credit
There is Always Room for Improvement
Over the past years, I have noticed how the blog has improved. My writing has definitely improved and our audience has expanded. Also, as a blogger, I had made changes to not only improve my writing but the blog.
Stay True to Yourself
While I cover topic selections in our Blogger Series II I am still working on it. If you have noticed I have skipped a few topics due to time or simply not feeling authentic. Another thing I tend to do is call in a professional for topics I am not versed on.
You Have to Take A Risk
Starting the blog was a risk. I didn’t know how it would turn out or if anyone would even read it. Besides, there are a plethora of blogs, particularly about fashion. However, if I never took a leap of faith then My Own Sense of Fashion would be non-existent.
Pay It Forward
I have been fortunate to not only have a support system but also several people helped me along the way. In return, I make it a point to pay it forward. It could be as simple as promoting my blogging friends’ work or even given opportunities to up and coming bloggers (i.e. guest blogging).
Overall, all experiences whether good or bad taught me a valuable lesson. I am looking forward to what the future will hold for My Own Sense of Fashion. Thank you to everyone for following and supporting us this far.
About the Look
Balloons- Party City
Ribbons: – Dollar Tree
Shoes -Avon (no longer available)
Dress: K. Jordan Nautical Striped Pleated Dress in Navy/White
Do you enjoy My Own Sense of Fashion? Have a favorite moment for over the six years? Let us know in comments.
All opinions expressed on the blog appear courtesy of Tamarah Brown for My Own Sense of Fashion © unless otherwise stated (i.e. interviews). No use or reproduction may occur without the written consent of the author. This blog uses affiliate links which generates a small commission from purchases.
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