Power. Everyone wants it in one way or another. I know I would love to feel powerful now and then, especially when I’m put in situations or around people that I don’t know. Let’s just say I’m not exactly good in a crowd. I’m awkward, quiet, shy…I’m kind of a hot mess, to be honest. But there are times that I need to have confidence; times that I need to strut my stuff and believe in myself. And it’s at those time where I grab my power color.

Image Credit: Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images North America
Red and I mean bright, vibrant red. Fire engine truck red.

Image Credit: Getty Images
I don’t know why I chose red as my power color I think it chose me by default. I have dark hair and super pale skin so the red just pops and really draws attention to everything else. It makes people take notice of the petite person in front of them instead of letting me blend in with the crowd. I’m usually wearing red lipstick because it goes with everything whether it’s at work or a fancy wedding. I’ve even worn red lipstick right before I went under for surgery.
It’s funny because, for a while, my mother hated the red on me. My mother is one of those nude/brown lipstick people. She loves wearing eyeliner and mascara, but when it comes to lipstick, it’s purely nude. So, she didn’t understand why I needed the pop, the wow factor. Wouldn’t I be better off with a light pink, she would ask me? Maybe something that smoothed out my lips and brought a hint of color to them instead of a color that shouted: “look at me!”?
How could I explain to her that the red lipstick made me feel powerful? How could I explain that the color red gives me this confidence that nothing else does? It’s not just about the lipstick, but the color itself says that I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. I’m determined, motivated, and will fight for what I want.
And fight is what I’ve always done…from the moment I was brought into this world.
Growing up with a chronic medical condition, there was always some kind of fight happening, mostly from my mother, about how I would live and what I could accomplish. There were fights with doctors over medical procedures, fights with schools for the right to get an education right alongside everyone else. She never let me get the short end of any stick because of the condition I was born with. I watched her fight, tirelessly, to get me what I deserved and now, as an adult, I have taken the fight into my own hands.
Fighting for what I deserve is in my blood and it takes a lot of strength to continuously fight for myself. To keep up that strength, and that drive, I have to have my own power. I need to believe in myself, and what I can do, to get things done. And I do that by enveloping myself in the color I associate with power.
Sometimes I want to give up – give up the fight, give up the dream. Sometimes I just want to step back and drop the balls. It would be a lot less tiring if I did. But if I don’t fight for myself, who’s going to fight for me?
Power everybody wants it but not many people know how to take it. I’m taking back my own power and on my own terms…wearing my favorite red lipstick.
What makes you powerful?
About the Author:

Melissa is a 30-year-old who reads too much, writes too much, and might have a bit of an addiction to coffee. She loves to crochet, cook, tell stories of her past and present. Melissa is also an aspiring author who is working on her first novel.
Check out her blog Perfectly Pintsized and website MelissaandAndyAdopt.
Be sure to follow Melissa on social media (Twitter and Instagram).
Be sure to follow Melissa at her blog Perfectly Pintsized & website MelissaandAndyAdopt.
Special thanks again to Melissa. Be sure to find her online.
Do you have a power color? Who should be our next guest? Let us know in the comments.
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