We are kicking off our new series Fashion at A Plus with an exclusive interview with Stylist and Blogger Nanthale Collins. We previously worked together with our Memorial Day Blog Swap and Blogging Tribe posts. Keep reading to find out more about Nanthale and her upcoming projects.
1. First off tell our readers a little more about yourself.
I was born and raised in Brooklyn NY and still live in Brooklyn. I can’t imagine living anywhere else (except Italy but that’s a whole other story). I studied fashion at FIT then completed my masters in Fashion Merchandising this past spring. As you may have guessed I really love fashion.
My love of fashion lead me to become a stylist and work in NYC’s most amazing fashion shows, photo shoots, and product ads. I even styled a hamburger!!! LOL! While styling, my size 24 and 6ft frame have always caused me to get attention. I thought everyone was looking because I was a big girl in the fashion world. I was self-conscious and decided to stay in the background.
I started blogging as an outlet to talk about fashion shows I worked and designers that I loved to work with (but never be able to wear).
I noticed people asking me about fashion and me. What I wore? Where I got it from? How did I stay so damn stylish!?! I realized I was always going to stand out so, I might as well shine out!!!
I swallowed my fears, stepped in front of the camera and N.E.C. STYLE was created.
Now my blog is a way to show the size 22+ in a positive, fashionable way. I fully live a life of a plus size girl in the fashion world. I share my love for fashion, my life up and downs, advice and events with others. I show through my blog that I am over size and I LIVE!!!!

2. Not only are you a Blogger, but Stylist as well. How did you find the best way to combine the two?
When you’re a stylist, you constantly look at fashion. As a blogger, I’m still constantly looking at fashion. I combined the two by just styling myself as if my blog is the client and I am the model. My blog reflects my life and it’s my way of inspiring others. I am guilty of bad outfits from time to time and I share those bad ones. I can’t hit it out the park every time and that’s okay.
3. What is your idea of the perfect outfit and why?
Perfect fit and flare dress in a bright color or a kick-ass pattern with pockets, sneakers and a bookbag. I love a fit and flare dress. It is so comfortable yet flattering. I need sneakers because I have no time to walk around these Brooklyn streets in heels. Finally, the backpack allows my hands to be free to take photos, grab a cold brew coffee or swipe my MetroCard.

4. You have experience in the fashion industry especially plus size fashion. While some progress has been made what would like to see happen moving forward?
I get this question a lot and I know a lot of people say yes but I do think some progress has been made.
When I first started in fashion there was NO ONE that looked like me and plus size was not considered “real” fashion. I can’t tell you how many people questioned, doubted or looked down on me as a stylist because I was plus size. I never shared photos of myself just of my work so I could get hired. (This is prior to Instagram).
I remember a woman I worked for being very upset at a job styling a plus size showcase. “I won’t style the show but you can since your plus size,” she said. Not because I was a good stylist and they deserved a talented stylist to dress and take care of the models. No. I was thrown the job because I and they were plus sized.
That mentality of the plus size model and fashion was just disgusting and widespread.
Now I feel the rejection of the plus size industry is not as much as it was before. So, has there been progress…. YES, BUT WE GOT A LONG WAY TO GO.
What I would like to see is a better fit for their plus size line. A lot of these companies are inclusive but not putting in the work for plus size fashion. Do they think we should be grateful for ill fitting clothing? No, we are not.
I want more investment in fit and give us the same quality they give to their other departments.
Plus, I want the plus size industry to rally around our brawns (plus male models). They are the next marginalized group that needs our support.

Image Credit: N.E.C. STYLE
5. What’s the one thing you wish you knew before starting your blog and your advice to new bloggers?
I have two things
1 . Creating time to blog like it’s a job.
2. How to market myself and how to get across your point.
Truthfully, I still struggle with number 2
6. Do you have any upcoming projects that you can share and where can people find you online?
I am launching my new blog in a month. Expect more content and a better Nanthale. I’m really working on improving my life and want my blog to reflect that.
Other than that, just living my big fat fashionable life and taking you all on a ride with me.
Follow me at nec_style on Instagram and check back with me in September when the new blog drops.
Special thanks to Nanthale. Be sure to follow her blog and on Instagram.
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