Image Credit: Caboodles
Calling Caboodles and Barbie fans, our childhood is calling. CaboodlesXBarbie collection is available now. The latest collection consists of pieces including beauty cases and a train case. Of course, the collection bears Barbie™ Iconic™ Pink that is easily recognizable. Prices range from $14.99 to $75.99. Items are already selling out fast. However, you are still in luck. According to Bustle, Caboodles states future items are coming exclusively to Ulta stores in October. The current collection will also be available to retailers nationwide beginning in Spring 2020. We are sure fans (new & old) are sure to enjoy this collection. Check out the collection below.
Pretty In Petite ™ Barbie ™ Pure Glam
On-The-Go Girl ™ Barbie ™ Iconic Pink
Pretty In Petite™ Barbie ™ Iconic Pink
Neat Freak ™ Barbie ™ Pure Glam
Stay tuned to My Own Sense of Fashion as we continue to follow the story.
Will be checking out this collection? Which piece is your favorite? Were you a fan of the original collection? Let us know in the comments.
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